Ella & Pitr

Born in 1981 and 1984 in
Châtenay-Malabry and St-Etienne (FR)
Live in St-Etienne (FR)

Biography of Ella & Pitr

Ella & Pitr met on an Autumn night in 2007, in a random street, as each of them was pasting posters on the walls. That same year, they united their talents and formed “Les Papiers Peintres”. Over time, they have made a great number of works in France (mainly in St Etienne), Chile, Portugal, Canada; their passion always leading them further.
Their mastering many techniques also allows them to work on different media. Their large format collages are part of the urban landscape of cities they travel to. They simply represent the people they meet in the streets, adding a burlesque, often absurd touch, with a sense of humor.

Exhibition dates of Ella & Pitr

“See you soon like the moon” solo show, Galerie Le Feuvre, Paris

Paper party 2, Galerie Le Feuvre, Genève
Ella y Pitr son como las dos cabezas de un perro de la calle, Institut Français de Santiago (Chili)

Ella & Pitr, Galerie Durand, Saint-Étienne (FR)
Ella + Pitr =, Galerie Le Feuvre, Paris

Celui qui volait les étoiles pour les mettre dans sa soupe, Galerie Le Feuvre, Paris
Paper Party (exposition collective), Galerie Le Feuvre, Paris

One Wall / One Painting (exposition collective), Galerie Le Feuvre, Paris
Chrome (exposition collective), Galerie Le Feuvre, Paris

Available artworks by Ella & Pitr

Videos of Ella & Pitr