Destroying the Weak 2
Destroying the Weak 2 Cleon Peterson Destroying the Weak 2 screen print artwork serigraphie oeuvre detail 1 Cleon Peterson Destroying the Weak 2 screen print artwork serigraphie oeuvre detail 2 Cleon Peterson Destroying the Weak 2 screen print artwork serigraphie oeuvre edition 75 numerotee Cleon Peterson Destroying the Weak 2 screen print artwork serigraphie oeuvre signature signed
Cleon Peterson Destroying the Weak 2 screen print artwork serigraphie oeuvre detail 1Cleon Peterson Destroying the Weak 2 screen print artwork serigraphie oeuvre detail 2Cleon Peterson Destroying the Weak 2 screen print artwork serigraphie oeuvre edition 75 numeroteeCleon Peterson Destroying the Weak 2 screen print artwork serigraphie oeuvre signature signed

Destroying the Weak 2


Intitulée "Destroying the Weak 2", cette sérigraphie de Cleon Peterson est éditée à 75 exemplaires. Réalisée en 2015, elle est signée et numérotée par l'artiste. Le format est de 50,8 x 50,8 cm. L'œuvre est vendue sans encadrement.


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1.00 €

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Information Complémentaire


Cleon Peterson

Type of work


Edition of



50,8 x 50,8 cm

Signed by the artist


Year of edition

